Book this service now: at your local Gilbrides pharmacy
  1. Schedule Your Cryotherapy Session - Utilise any of the buttons on this webpage to book your cryotherapy session. You'll have the opportunity to select your preferred location, date, and time.

  2. Attend Your Appointment - Upon arrival for your scheduled time, please check in at the pharmacy and inform a team member of your arrival. You'll be escorted to a private consultation room near the main pharmacy area. Here, a healthcare professional will conduct a brief health assessment to confirm your eligibility for the cryotherapy treatment and discuss what to expect. Should you have any queries, do not hesitate to ask.

  3. Receive Your Cryotherapy Treatment - After ensuring you are suitable, our healthcare professional will proceed with the treatment tailored to your specific needs. The procedure may include the removal of any dead skin followed by the application of a cryotherapy method to freeze the lesion. Despite how it may sound, the process is typically pain-free. Post-treatment, you will receive comprehensive aftercare instructions to aid in a swift and effective recovery. This is also the time to address any further questions you may have.