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Chickenpox, also known as varicella, is a common viral illness that most people experience during childhood. However, if you haven't had chickenpox as a child, you can still contract it as an adult. Although typically not life-threatening, chickenpox can bring discomfort with its itchy rash and fever, especially for individuals with weakened immune systems, newborns, or expectant mothers.



Gilbride Pharmacy offers an effective solution to protect against chickenpox. Our chickenpox vaccine is recommended for those who have not previously contracted chickenpox.

How Does It Work?  Our chickenpox vaccine falls into the category of "live" vaccines, containing a weakened form of the chickenpox virus. This vaccine stimulates your immune system to respond, providing immunity if you ever encounter the virus later in life. Please note that this vaccine does not safeguard against similar viruses like herpes or shingles. For shingles prevention, a separate vaccine is available.

Two-Dose Protection  To ensure full protection, you'll need two doses of the chickenpox vaccine. The second dose should be administered at least four but no later than eight weeks after the initial dose. After completing the course, there's no need for further boosters

Immediate Protection  If you've been exposed to the chickenpox virus, our vaccine can still prevent infection if administered within three days of exposure.

No Need for Boosters  After completing the two-dose course, additional boosters are unnecessary.

Administration  The vaccine is administered through an injection in the upper arm.

Side Effects  Mild side effects of the vaccine may include fever, fatigue or digestive issues. In some cases, a mild chickenpox-like rash may occur.

Age Restrictions  The chickenpox vaccine is suitable for patients aged 9 months to 65 years and is recommended for those who have not previously had chickenpox.

Cost  At Gilbride Pharmacy, our vaccination is available at £65 per dose, and appointments are not necessary. A brief consultation with our pharmacist is all that's required.

Important Notes

  • Pregnant women and women planning to conceive should refrain from taking this vaccine.
  • Ideally, the chickenpox vaccination should be scheduled on the same day as the MMR jab, or a minimum of a 4-week gap should be maintained between these vaccinations.
  • If you've been exposed to the chickenpox virus, our vaccine can still prevent infection if administered within three days of exposure.


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