Book this service now: at your local Gilbrides pharmacy

Gilbride Pharmacy is proud to introduce our advanced Pneumonia Vaccination Service, offering comprehensive protection against a wide spectrum of streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria strains. This one-time vaccination provides enduring immunity against pneumococcal pneumonia, eliminating the need for annual booster shots.


What is Pneumonia?

Pneumonia is a severe infection that poses a threat to individuals of all ages. It can transmit from person to person through coughs and sneezes. In the United Kingdom, approximately 5-11 adults per 1,000 contract pneumonia each year.


Who is the Vaccine For?

Our Pneumonia Vaccination Service caters to individuals aged 18 and above. While pneumonia can affect people of any age, certain demographics are more susceptible:

  • Elderly individuals
  • Smokers
  • Those with underlying health conditions like asthma, cystic fibrosis or heart, kidney or liver issues
  • Individuals with weakened immune systems

This vaccination is also highly recommended for travellers heading to regions with elevated pneumococcal infection rates, such as countries in Africa and South East Asia.


Our Pneumonia Vaccination Service is not suitable for:

  • Pregnant or breastfeeding individuals
  • Those currently undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy
  • Individuals with a history of allergic reactions to injections or vaccinations

Please note that this list is not exhaustive, and eligibility will be assessed before administering the vaccination.



At Gilbride Pharmacy, our Pneumonia Vaccination is priced at just £85. No appointment is necessary, and you can receive the vaccination following a brief consultation with our experienced pharmacists.


Visit Us

Contact your preferred Gilbride Pharmacy branch via our dedicated page to learn more or simply visit us at your convenience.